SCH Faerie Eos Stops Responding

OK, though I only feel like playing my Monk full time nowadays, I’ve been doing lowbies roulette such as Guildhest 10+ and Roulette 16+ on my SCH for practice everyday or at least every other day to prevent my rusting. One problem I had run into is that my Eos would completely stop responding after I use Fey Illumination.

At first I didn’t know what caused it, and I thought I was crazy. But then it happened again. I thought I screwed up due to recast timer, but nope. I checked, and all the cooldown timers were ready. Then I thought I had lag. Then I thought I did something wrong. I checked if my Faerie went back to sic mode, but no. And all the Faerie commands were usable (or seem usable) and it does not return the”not on manual” error thing. After several occasions, I found out that my faerie always does this to me whenever I used Fey Illumination. At first I resummoned her to fix it. But later on, as I ran into this issue again and again, I found out that Heel command can repair this and make her go back to normal.

Today in Cutter’s Cry, while tank was getting stomped half to death, I ordered Eos to use Fey Illumination to ease the curing stress. But then the tank went to almost dead, because Eos wasn’t responding to my Embrace command at all. I had to use Heel (even when she was already on Heel, LOL) to make her listen to me again.

Is this normal? Does it happen to everyone? I searched Google with “Eos not responding after Fey Illumination” but it returns no relevant result.

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