Meld Request

I don’t get Meld Request often. Usually it’s because I don’t hang out in the cities, else it’s just that I’m doing something else and wasn’t fast enough to reply to the meld request shouts. Today, while walking to get the new dance emote quest in Limsa, I saw a shout for leatherworker lv 50, so I sent a tell.

This total stranger wanted to overmeld a pair of pair of “saurian crakows of casting” with heavens’ eye materia IV, heavens’ eye materia IV and savage aim materia II. (I didn’t know he wanted me to meld 3!)

5-meld attempt

So on my first meld, it was 29%, I didn’t like that red text saying this meld attempt has great failure rate blah blah blah, so I screamed “It’s 29%!” and he said “Do it.”

Cringing my face, I hit the meld button and of course, it broke.

I broke 2 of the heavens’ eye materia IV before a success kicked in. I said, nervously, if that one failed, I would  be crying. He said don’t, it’s ok. (I thought to myself, it’s ok to you but it’s not ok to me because I am stingy and I hate wasting money, even if it’s not my money! LOL)

I was relieved to have successfully attached that materia, but nope, that wasn’t the end. He sent more meld request with more heavens’ eye materia IV, now with 16% success rate. I held my breath and did it again, and again, and again. In the end, I broke 9 11 heavens’ eye materia IV before my 2nd meld became successful. (I checked my log again and it was 11, not 9! So the total IV I broke today was 13, GULP!)

I was like phewwwwwwwwww there, finally, but then he sent yet another request. This time with savage aim materia II which was at 13% success rate. I broke 9 of it before it was finally attached safely.

I don’t think I have smashed that many valuable materias in one day before.

After it was done, he even asked me what I’d like from him. Egads! No, gentleman. If you saw my face while I broke your materia left and right, you would know that I didn’t want any reward but just wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it for breaking so many materias in public. /sob

It’s so embarrassing!

Well, I once broke so many IV materias in one day, but those were my materias, my money, and most of them were old materias I’ve kept from 1.0, so it didn’t feel like I was spending gil on them. Today it was someone else’s money I was wasting. Plus, I haven’t melded (and broken) materias in ages and I just returned to the game after a long pause due to real life being busy. So, today’s experience was somewhat strange to me.

Hopefully, next time I meld something for someone, I won’t break this many materias. /cross fingers

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