Fishing Hammerhead Sharks at Silver Bazaar



Today I was trying to catch my quest fish at Cape Westwind for Wawalago but the weather wasn’t suitable, so I went to Silver Bazaar for some sharks instead, as I have accumulated quite a stock of Silver Sharks from trying to fish the THING. If I could get some Hammerhead, I could spend all the sharks make some oils instead of having to sell them.



– My setup – 
Location: Silver Bazaar, Western Thanalan
Bait/lure: Heavy Steel Jig
Gathering: 291
Perception: 235
No food and no buff
Duration: 1 hour

41 NQ + 8 HQ Hammerhead Sharks
13 Indigo Herrings
10 Rothlyt Oysters
8 Pebble Crabs
5 Tiger Cods
13 Lominsan Anchovy

Shark count : other fish count = 49 : 49
Whoa, LOL, 1:1. Not bad!


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2 Responses to Fishing Hammerhead Sharks at Silver Bazaar

  1. Low Roller says:

    I think there is a lure/bait that limits the target pulls to only hammerheads or one other type of fish and hammerheads.

    • Aleczan Knighthill says:

      Oh! Thank you. I will research and then when I have time, I will test with other baits/lures and post more results.

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