FFXIV Gatherer: How to gain GP

Lately I’ve noticed search keywords to my blog which are “how to increase GP” “how to recover gp ffxiv” “ffxiv arr regaining gp” so I’m writing about it today.


First off, you can’t get more max GP from leveling up. It stays the same. What you can do, however, is to use gatherer’s accessories (rings, necklace, earring and wristguard) that increase your maximum GP. When you level up higher, you gain access to better accessories which give more and more GP.

Average people have about 500 GP at level 50, this is without extra effort in, for example, using HQ accessories and gear that gives more GP, using GP food or melding GP materia. So if you make extra effort, you can have higher than 500 max GP.

As to recover GP, you either have to stand still (or run around, it doesn’t matter. Your GP will naturally regenerate over time. Also, if you don’t want to be idle, but rather continue gathering, you will regain 5 GP for every successful gathering attempt you make. However, since when you are engaged in gathering position, natural regen will stop. please note that when gather full time, even if you are successful every attempt, your GP will regenerate slightly slower than just letting the natural auto-regen work on it.

After patch 2.1, though, the speed your character will make the swing to gather items is a tad bit faster than before, so now it MIGHT be an equal match. I haven’t tested how much GP I regen in 1 minute while gathering yet, but I do notice that the gathering process takes shorter pause between attempts now.

Now (as of 2016) I do notice that, at ~600 max GP, it takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes in-game for me to fully recover my spent GP. Please take this in mind when you use up your GP for red scrips and blue scrips and hopping between nodes.

Also, there is a medicine called Cordial which will instantly give you 300 GP. This can be useful when, for example, you changed your class too late and when you arrive at an Unspoiled gathering node which is about to appear, you don’t have enough time to wait around for your natural GP regen to get you the amount of GP you need to use on it.

How to obtain this medicine? In taking Botany Levequests or Mining Levequests, you will have a chance to get an LQ that says it gives 1 vial of Cordial as reward. So Levemetes are where you can farm this medicine. Also, now you can buy it from your Grand Company using GC seals.

Remember that you cannot drink this medicine in the middle of gathering, so nope it won’t allow you to use Blessed Harvest, then drink the medicine, then use Leaf Turn in one gathering node. (I wished it would LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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