Kind of like Gold Rush.  You see a train of people flock over to overwhelm a FATE. They come and go, stomping everything in their path. I know it’s the nature of the low-time and peak-time of the server’s crowds and I know it’s hardly anyone’s fault. It still pissed me off, however. I was enjoying my quiet corner against this Spiteful Spitfire. I’ve been camping him all day while working. I would ALT+Tab back to FFXIV to fight him when I hear FATE music. I want my Atma, but I hate chasing FATEs on chocoback, so this is a lazy method that works for me.


Then, when more and more people start to log in to the server, this train of people came, leaving me with silver medal for FATE instead of the gold. Mind you, though, that this was not the part which pissed me off.

They never returned, ever! They came to rip through the monster, and left, gone. Leaving me to solo the now-10-times-stronger Spiteful Spitfire. Blargh!!!

Again, I know it’s no one’s fault and that it is an inevitable phenomenon natural to online gaming. I just had to get it out of my chest.

Back to FATE camping and working. Peace!


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