Deserter Debuff

Deserter…. I never knew this debuff exists. My bad for not reading all update notes, but wow, so that’s what people have been talking about being locked out of dungeons. I heard of the penalty for Duty Finder which occurs when you abandon a duty before anyone else in the party, but I didn’t know it was a debuff.

Today I was ranting about people acting like an ass to get kicked by vote dismiss, so that they could avoid taking Duty Finder penalty, and then someone mentioned Deserter, so I got curious and googled it.

Of course, I never saw this debuff, because I never left first. I was always, emphasize ALWAYS, the last one to leave the duty. People bailed on me. I never bailed on anyone. I don’t know if this is good or bad, LOL. But it’s funny that I did not know about this debuff. I now only managed to find out that patch 2.1 had increased 15 minutes penalty to 30 minutes. I have no idea how long this penalty had been introduced to Duty Finder. I am so last year. LOL!!!

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