Confusing Ifrit Run (Hard)

On 19 Jan, there was an Ifrit run that stumped me until today. I don’t know what I did wrong, but people yelled at me and 3 of them left the duty immediately after wipe.


I have been feeling unwilling to play healer for the past 2 weeks, so I played on my Monk to relax instead. (Although I went to Guildhest and Roulette 16+ as SCH at least once a day so I won’t rust.) Then I saw I could do some Ifrit to practice my dodge skill. I know Ifrit fight very well from 1.0. It changed only a little. And I did Ifrit for a few times that day.

Then, this particular run, tank asked me whats up after telling me to get the nails. You know, at first sight of the nails, I always speed to the furthest nail in the back using Shoulder Tackle to avoid getting hit by Vulcan Burst. And I usually kill that nail or punch it while watching BLM using Limit Break on all the nails, before moving to the next ones.

It had always been like that; a DPS mage would use LB, trying to get all nails to speed up the nail kills. Previous runs, I happened to be in this tank’s party for at least 2 rounds before, so I expect him to know that I was doing it correctly, because no one yelled at me in previous runs and it worked well, we all survived Hellfire. But suddenly this run he yelled at me and left the duty TAT Along with 2 other people which were BLM and WHM.

I’m also very confused about what the BLM said, “no kick = no lb” because I was kicking and punching the nails as hard as I could. I even took care to execute combo from correct sides (flank and rear) to maximize damage output. I even used Internal Release and Blood for Blood to boost it. Yet the BLM said no kick = no lb. What? Why? Was it because the LB bars weren’t filled? I just don’t get it. ><;;


Judging from the tank’s question to me (“get the nails……” and “whats up monk…………….” And there was only 1 monk in the party) maybe people had lags and saw me standing still? I suspect that this might be the case because as a healer, I used to see a tank and an archer standing still at a treasure chest in Copperbell Mines, when in reality, they were ahead in the dungeon and fighting new group of enemies and were dying because I did not join (I was staring at their “shadows” like dumb, wondering why they wouldn’t move.)

I swear it wasn’t me who had lag or was frozen due to connection problem. Because usually when I have bad lags, I won’t be able to continue my combo. My side of the game won’t recognize that I had used an attack and changed my form, so it won’t let me continue the combo chain. The chat log won’t show my damage, and there will be no damage numbers on my screen. And then I would either see fast forward vision until I catch up with real time frame, or be kicked from the server. Of course neither of those happened in that run. And maybe the 3 members left because of the connection problem. I have no idea. I just hope so. It’s sad to think that they left after 1 wipe because of me, because of the mistake I didn’t even commit.

By the way, as I hate to be misunderstood as a lousy player (monk not attacking nails is lousy, yeah) if any of my readers know those people (especially Der Henker, the tank that left or got disconnected and the BLM Tamakkia Yokai’hime that said I didn’t kick ><;;) please let them know the true story. I even saved some chatlog screenhots that show me attacking the nails during that run. TAT

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