My lv 43 Fishing Gear

Today I stopped being lazy and started to regear my gathering classes. I saw that Rosewood Fishing Rod (lv. 43) was dirt cheap, so I ditched my Horn Fishing Rod (old one, level 37, been using since 1.0, LOL!) and grabbed it. Then I bought Mythril Mesail (lv. 42) and Boarskin Jerkin (lv. 43). Now this is what my Fisher (and Miner and Botanist) look like.

Alec_Fishing_Gear43Quite fashionable, eh? LOL!

Today I’m trying to record fish and fishing locations in my fish guide and fishing log. Going around in Central Thanalan, I needed up to level 25 bait (Bass Ball)! Also, it was the first time I ever used a fly lure in 2.0. Crow Fly is level 20 and was for Dark Bass. Unlike baits, the character does a slow reeling motion while waiting for a bite on the fly lure. I find it amusing. But what’s most amusing is that whenever I hook an Aegis Shrimp (using Bass Ball) my fishing rod makes a creaking noise that sounds as if it is going to snap! It always made me shudder, envisioning my fishing rod breaking into two, like back in FFXI if I tried to land a fish larger than my rod could handle.

I’m not sure if I’ll be diligent enough to carry this on until higher levels, but now I’m recording what fish bite on which bait. I hope I can come back to look at the info and make use of it later whenever I need to catch a specific fish.



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