Mastering the Land

*Possibly spoilers* I tried to make this entry spoiler-free, but the screenshots and some short quotes might give away some clues of the quest’s story.

Summing up my activities in the past recent days again, but this time I’ll be less lazy and write more, instead of dumping a set of screenshots.

Alec_This_Week11 Alec_This_Week12Apart from getting the Halloween Costumes for Thanatos (on Masamune) and taking screenshots with Inari and some others, I have also been trying to catch up on main scenario quests, because I’ve been lazy and cannot join linkshell friends in many of the dungeon/boss runs that requires story progress.

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After walking a hundred thousand malms on various errands for Buscarron while investigating the disappearance of the elder Sylph and then beating Toto-rak, I managed to plow through Fallgourd part of the story, where Noraxia advised for me to check for the suspicious masked person. Then, with immense help from 2 friends and a stranger from random Duty Finder, I passed the Haukker Manor.


The investigation got more complicated and after reporting to Minfilia and the Scions, I was sent out for more information regarding beastmen and Primals. Remembering what Zanel said about NPCs in the headquarter changing their spot and pose after each quest, I always check out the big room in the Waking Sands whenever I come here to talk to Minfilia.


What I found this time…. Biggs and Wegde are probably imitating General Raubahn and the Sultana, LOL.


But this!!!!! Noraxia…is…unbearable! The other 2 unnamed NPCs stared at me as if to ask “Are you a friend of this person?” NO!!! I have no association with this weirdo!!! By the way, some of you might recognize the red underwear. It is the red swimsuit from an event 2 years ago, I believe. This year you could also buy them from the Cascadier NPC during the Bombard event last month.


Then, as I was stuck in the main scenario quest due to level restriction, I went on my Arcanist to get some EXP as well as to do the class quest. I could actually change to other level 50 class to blow through the story, but I wanted to reap the extra EXP from main story quests reward, so I tried to stick to using ACN for the main quests.

Before getting distracted by other activities, I only managed to get to the Forgotten Springs, though. Now I have a bunch of errands from the Nunh and other Miqo’te guys to finish before they let me get the ingredients to deliver to Costa Del Sol.

I then changed to Disciples of the Land class and grinded my Miner level until 50. I finished my Botanist earlier, and did the guild tests all the way to 50 as well. I also picked up in my Fisher’s guild test from where I left off (I got to level 50 long ago but was lazy in questing when it tried to send me to Coerthas for some flying fish, bad me!)


“These trees will save lives.”


“The Mazlaya Marlin was a monster.”


“Accept that you were beaten.”

So I have now finished leveling up all 3 Disciples of the Land, and completed the guild test quests for all of them.

I must say SE is brilliant in writing some of the quests’ stories. They are, most of the time, entertaining and interesting. Some quests were also addictive and made me really want to find out more! I now have to finish Alchemist and Weaver quests, just for the sake of satisfaction of knowing what happens next.


However, despite all of the exciting things I’ve achieved, like getting to level 50 on Botanist and Miner (earning me the achievement “Mastering the Land“) and getting fully geared with level 50 HQ equipment on Fisher and Botanist (courtesy of Corn as the weaver and leatherworker), the most exciting thing I did was to go to The Wanderer’s Palace as a Monk!!! It is not that special, but for me it is very special. I usually go as White Mage even though my heart lies in the art of fists. So, to be able to join an end game activity as Monk is a big deal for me, and it felt totally satisfying.

I hope to go to WP on Monk more in the future. But I have to gear myself up first. We were quite slow in killing the mobs in there so I will have to improve my damage output in order to kill faster.

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