Fishing is Fun

So I am back to fishing again. I regret going back to fishing in FFXIV. Why? Because I can’t stop fishing after I started fishing. I even forgot my dinner because I was too happy fishing. Damn. ><;;


I really love the new fishing system. It is less tedious and much more interesting. It yields quite low EXP, but if you manage to land a HQ fish, the amount of experience points you earn will make your jaws drop. I got, for example, 4000 EXP from landing a HQ Copperfish at Raincatcher Gully (as a fisher level 15). As for my high level fisher on Ragnarok, using the skill (ability) Mooch is a hell lot of fun. At Aleport (location is named Skull Valley, though), I landed a Wahoo (43.3 ilms) from using HQ Merlthor Goby as a bait, netting me 5253 EXP at level 43.

Fishing in LimsaReeling animation

Also, I like the reeling animation now, especially when the fish is very big! It is entertaining to watch. (Yeah, I am simple and easily entertained, LOL.) And look, when we land a HQ fish, the character looks very happy. Alec laughs gleefully with open mouth when she gets HQ fish, as opposed to wide smile for NQ.

HQ fish landed


I am looking forward to roaming the continent for more fishing locations and new fish. ^_^

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