2 days ago, very very late at night, I finally managed to finish the last mission (main scenario quest) in FFXIV. I felt so drained afterward, and extremely exhausted, although I got a hell lot of help from friends in the Linkshell and from strangers from Duty Finder. I went as WHM for a healer, while Corn joined as PLD to tank and dragged Diver in as a BLM because they felt that I would keep procrastinating if I were left to seek party on my own. XD
*Spoilers Warning* (Main quest lv 50)
Screenshots in this entry are taken from cutscenes and will reveal some plot details, such as whom we fought against, who accompanied us besides the party members, who returned, who survived, etc. So, if you haven’t finished main scenario quest of level 50 in Praetorium, you might not want to see this entry.
So, after rushing through Castrum Meridianum without watching any cutscene, because I was scared of being yelled at, and that it is said that people tend to be an asshole about it in Castrum Meridianum, and the fact that I was a healer and was too afraid to keep watching the cutscene while other party members might be dying, I proceeded to the next dungeon battle.
However, in this dungeon, I tried to watch everything, as people said some of the cutscenes here are one-time only and won’t show up ever again.
I really like how the cutscenes in FFXIV are mostly rendered from real time right at the spot, because then they also show other party members who was in the same fight as me. :D
I didn’t know much about the strategy or even what to do. I just followed the group and did what Corn reminded me to do (like obtaining the key card to get a magitek armor).
In boss fights, there was no briefing by other party members, only Corn told me (in LS chat) what to expect and what to dodge with special care, etc. ><;; It’s not hard but I had to keep my focus better than usual, as it’s my first time in this dungeon and I hadn’t researched at all (yeah my bad LOL.)
The pic below was taken mid-conversation, and yet Corn was already grabbing his sword LOL!!!
Then I drew my weapon, too, and photobombed myself. T.T
I like this serious look! (Below) Can’t tell if it’s just I was alerted or if I was angry.
In some of the cutscenes, I activated the chatlog so that I could peek if anyone was yelling at me or not. And no one yelled. So I kept watching every cutscene.
This gigantic monster was such a pain in the ass. >< I had a hard time dodging shit because it was such a havoc in there. Everything was so confusing. But at least I didn’t get hit by the laser beams.
Round 2 was a tough nut as well.
After the long dungeon, the ending cutscene was really worth it.
And after the exit ending cutscene, then the end credits, there is one more cutscene to wrap up the story and prepare for the next leg of adventure.
Congratulations! There are some fun fights and some good CS in there. I want to do a ‘watch all the CS’ run one of these days since the ones you watch in your Inn room don’t have your friends in them.
Thank you, Yelta. ^^ Yes the fights were fun (and hectic, hahaha) and I was really moved by some of the cutscenes. I wonder if we put people in out party and then go watch the CS in the inn, will they show up in the CS? XD Worth trying, I’ll try it next time I have a chance LOL!