Alec’s Recent Days

Oops!!! I haven’t written anything in this blog for a few days. Well, to my excuse, I now have a friend who visited and is staying over at my house. We went out on Saturday and Monday. And she has some troubles from losing her wallet on Sunday, so I was pretty busy trying to help her sort stuff out (with great helps from my dad and mom – because I don’t drive!) I haven’t had any interesting story (or rant LOL) to write about, as I was always grinding some kind of EXP whenever I had time during the weekend and didn’t turn my attention to adding new content to my blog. Right now I still don’t know what to write about, but I don’t want my blog to be too quiet XD So I’ll just be lazy and post some pics from the game during the past few days.

Alec_recent_days01 I’ve been participating in the Moonfire Faire and taking some pics with the paper bomb balloon decorations.


I like the balloon pool. It adds a nice touch to the festivities.

Alec_recent_days02   I’ve been cooking. I made a lot of dishes in-game. I even finished my tier 3 Cooking Achievement, Savoring the Realm:Apprentice (to synthesis 750 items of level 21-30)


Then I realized I had an old crafting body in the Calamity Salvager, so I went and got it back, then dyed it pink. ^^


I’ve also fished. Somehow I feel it is harder to collect all the data in fishing log when I am already high level fisher than when I started anew on new char in phase 4. It’s like I can fish anywhere, so I was lost as to where to go next. LOL.


FATE: Return of the King. From my observation, few people know that the Bomb Balloon can attract the Bombards and let us kill the bomb faster and easier, because they gather together. Many of the low level Bomb King FATEs I have joined would fail if I fail to activate the Balloon (like getting attacked by an aggro mob which makes me have to run away to lose aggro before coming back to the Balloon), which pretty much means that no one else was doing the job. ><;;


I also moved my lazy butt and went out to continue the main scenario quests. Damn Thancred, why would you make me run all the way to here to meet you in a rain storm?


Then we continued the story with sister Ourcen. Ifrit (quest) was easy because Corn was the tank. XD I never liked anyone’s tanking more than his, LOL. Makes me feel spoiled as either a healer or a damage dealer.


And I went on until I got to revisit the Waking Sands. This merchant…. hmmmp!

Alec_recent_days10So I stopped here last night before joining a Grand Company, as I had to go do my watch duty at grandma’s house. Then today I continued and got back into the Immortal Flames. ^^ Finally!

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