My Weekly Progress: November

*possibly spoilers of level 37 – 39 main quests and sidequests in Coerthas* 

Ah, so I didn’t wake up early enough to sneak on and play a bit before server closed. Time to tidy my screenshots, then. And now I realized I could use some of them to update about my game progress.

Last week I’ve been busy trying to get my Arcanist to 44 (and now still 42) in order to try to max out for level cap in Garuda fight that will come up soon. The Stone Vigil quest requires level 41 and I was guessing it is capped at 44. Garuda is after Stone Vigil, so I should at least be 44 to be max level allowed.

Apart from joining FATEs, I did all the sidequests available for my level, in order to catch up to the level required for main scenario quests. These main and side quests brought me through a lot of painful acknowledgement of various situations and events in Coerthas. It is so far the second worst part of the main scenario quests’ story. (Of course, if you have gotten this far, you KNOW what’s the worst part.) Before, I got upset by the story before Coerthas and took a few days break to level up ALC, ARM, BSM, and WVR to 50 and to do the class quests (or pick up the class quests) for them, but that’s another long story so I’ll put it aside for now LOL.


Anyway, the people in Coerthas are, in short, in a pinch. And I met young lord Francel who is righteous and just, yet was faced with a brutal accusation and trial that puts the name of his House to further shame.

Then, I met this NPC, a patient in an infirmary, who said thank to me for my concern, but his injury was caused by slipping and falling, not from a battle. I first laughed at how funny it was and thought SE has great humour even in trivial things like this, but then it turned out to be a key event in the story!


One of the sidequests here has an NPC who creeps the hell out of me. This prisoner is a total nuts! Talk to him and you will hear nothing but extreme madness.


In the cell opposite to the mad prisoner, I saw this Roegadyn exercising. Then after taking another sidequest, this new NPC popped in the same cell. His was a tale that made me feel deeply sorry for him. But of course, justice prevails. Also, his quick wit was what saved her in the first place, the Chirurgeon upstairs told me so with her deduction.


Sometimes the quest made me dig for corpses.


Or pick up a piece of dragon’s bone as a token (and proof) of dragon slaying for a knight (or sentry, I’m not sure).


Again, digging for a corpse. I tried to cheat my way in this quest by using WHM50 to walk the errand instead, but the Croc still tried to eat me anyway. Duh! This digging quest at the ice wall (Snowcloak) was difficult just because it’s hard to climb if you don’t know the way. Well, I didn’t know the way but I am good at climbing. See that other person down there? He was probably there before I arrived, because while I was killing a Croc down at the bottom, he was one ledge above me. And when I got to the quest spot, he was still down there, trying to jump up via an impossible spot.

I walked around and repeated my climb just to show him where to climb, and he took a long while to pick up my message and finally started following my track. He never talked, and what I said in /say, he never replied. So, meh! I felt that I should have just hurried out and leave him to his fruitless attempts. Too late to regret though, because by the time I left, he already found his way to the last jump to the spot.


Before leaving the Snowcloak, I stopped and fished at this icy hole. Got a Lamp Marimo to fill in a spot in my fishing log, yay. ^^
